6月 / 30
Arisa first came in contact with tango in 2000 while active as a model. From 2002, she apprenticed with Ricardo Cerqueiro. In 2005 she went abroad to learn under Lorena Hermosida and Guillermeen Kiroga. In addition to appearing with Ricardo Cerqueiro as a partner in many shows and demonstrations, Arisa has been active a Tango Rex instructor and organizer. In January 2011, Arisa appeared as a dancer in Sting’s world tour at the Budokan. Arisa continues to carry on the aesthetics and spirit of Ricardo Cerqueiro.
Lesson Description
3-month curriculum course aimed at complete beginners to tango♡
Not to worry – You’ll begin the class at the same time as all the other students ♪
Let us start to dance the tango together, aiming towards a debut at the Milonga party☆
Date and time
Every Thursday from September 19th, 2024
Tango Debut Class (Instructor: Guest teacher form Buenos Aires & Arisa)
*A class aimed at those who are complete beginners to tango.
Course fee
¥40,000-/13classes + Debut milonga(12/14)
¥4,000-/each 1 class
*For those joining in our classes for the first time, you can take part in an “experiential lesson” and only ¥3,000 for first class.
Book Your Trial Lesson Today!
Lesson Description
Step up to our debut class to level up your moves☆
Not on a reservation basis, so you can join in on any class that fits your convenience◎
Tango Classes
Debut (Level 1)
3-month course for beginners to Tango.
Thursday, 19:30-20:30 ¥40,000/1course(13classes & debut milonga)
Beginner (Level 2)
Focusing on the poses, steps, and embraces of tango, together with a partner you will learn how to dance the basic sequences of tango as set to music.
Tuesdays, 19:00-20:15 ¥45,000/1course(13classes)
Intermediate (Level 3)
Focus on cleanliness and precision in movements and cultivating your inspiration for music.
Wednesdays, 19:30-20:45 ¥45,000/1course(13classes)
*If you absent during a course, you can transfer that class to another class.
Book Your Trial Lesson Today!
Lesson Description
This is a one-on-one lesson planned specially for the participant’s personal level. Perfect for those who want to receive lessons based entirely on their own personal level, or who want to concentrate on pure improvement. In addition, choreography lessons with demonstrations, etc. are also available.
Arisa ¥10,000-/50 minutes
Fabian/ ¥13,000-/50 minutes
Fabian & Arisa ¥15,000-/50 minutes
• This course is completely based on a reservation system, so please inform us of your desired date via e-mail or by phone before the date in question.
Regarding reservations
Book Your Trial Lesson Today!
Lesson description
This is the Milonga. In Buenos Aires, those places were people can freely engage in the tango or other rhythm dances are called “Milonga.” Located in the stylish streets of Tokyo, the Aoyama-based Argentine Tango Classroom Tango Rex has a Milonga concept focusing on creating a space that brings to life the same traditional style of Milonga found in Beunos Aires. The music choice employed in this classroom follows that same concept, delivering a specially curated selection. This is a space whose atmosphere can be thoroughly enjoyed even by those who have just started tango, as they share in a wonderful time spent with those other students who gather there. Live performances, parties, and events are also held there from time to time, all of which are listed on our homepage. So come experience Buenos Aires at Tango Rex!
Date & Fees:
One Saturday of the month with trio live music! 19:00-22:00 *Please check the HP for the date
¥4,000 for men, ¥3,500 for women ★Moet Chandon service★
Sign up for the next Milonga!
アルゼンチン出身。 5歳からアルゼンチン民族舞踊フォルクローレを学び10歳よりロシアンクラシックバレエを学ぶ。 バレエダンサーとして、アルゼンチン随一のコロン劇場でバレエ課程ディプロマを取得後、ローマ劇場でプリンシパルの座を7年間勤め上げる。 その後、アルゼンチンタンゴに転向し、タンゴ界の巨匠ミンゴ&エステルに師事、TANGO REXの創立者リカルド・セルケイロと共に米国でのショーやワークショップ開催、映画「タンゴレッスン」に出演、「アルゼンチンタンゴ選手権」の審査員を務めるなど様々な活動を行う。 2000年に来日し、東京を中心にタンゴの普及に努める他、自身が開発したエクササイズ「エアロタンゴ」をスポーツクラブで開講、ボローニャ歌劇楽団日本公演にダンサー出演、セルバンテス文化センター東京でのアナ・リカルド、ケンジ・ゲレロ演出の舞台で役者デビュー、トヨタエティオスのブラジル・アルゼンチン向けコマーシャルに出演など様々な分野で活躍。 現在、TANGO REXにてリカルド・セルケイロのタンゴスタイルを継承するべく、講師として就任。
アルゼンチン出身。ブエノスアイレス生まれ。 タンゴダンサー、ディレクター、振付師として、タンゴ及び様々なジャンルのショーに多数出演。 アルゼンチン・メンドーサの国立学校においてタンゴ講師を務める他、アルゼンチン・サンラファエルにてレッスンやミロンガを主催。 2015年、メンドーサのタンゴ選手権においてサロン部門チャンピオン、ブエノスアイレスのタンゴ世界選手権においてサロン部門セミファイナリスト。 又、体育の教師資格も持つ。 2019年、初来日。タンゴレックスの講師に就任。
Yuki started ballet at an early age, and regularly performed with the Star Dancers Ballet Company, first coming in contact with Argentine tango at such an event in 2000. From 2003 to 2009, Yuki belonged to the “Argentine Tango Dance Association,” paired with an American dancer, and was active as an instructor and dancer on stage, TV, and in magazines. After retiring, Yuki help workshops in Asia, Italy, and Beijing in 2011 via EL ABRAZO and CAFE TANGO. In 2014, following a 2-year sabbatical, Yuki returned to tango, joining the TANGO REX team.
Born in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. Began learning tango and Andean music at the age of 6. In 1998, while enrolled at the UBA (Dance company of Buenos Aires National University) as a member of the dance group “Un Ballet Argentino” of the Argentine National Dance College, Hugo won the gold medal in the traditional tango group section at the Tango Junior Youth Tournament. One of the judges at this time was Ricardo Cerqueiro, the founder of Tango Rex. After this, Hugo headed abroad, representing Argentina as a tango dancer at performances in many countries – Italy, France, Belgium, and more. He began a full-fledged career as a profession tango dancer and instructor. After varied experiences as a dancer with numerous stage performances, he visited Japan for the first time in 2000. In 2002, Hugo established his tango studio “Puro Tango” (2002-2010). Hugo returned to Argentina in 2012, serving as the director for the Tango and Andean Music State Dance Company in Mendoza following its establishment until 2018. In July of 2018, Hugo returned to Japan, taking up his post as a instructor at Tango Rex in September of that year.
Born in Argentina. Cesar began Andean dance at the age of 6, and Argentine tango at 12 years old. He started his professional career at the age of 17, and was active as a choreographer, performer, and lecturer in various countries all over the world. From 2009, Hugo worked as the director of the Shibuya, Tokyo-based tango dance studio TOKYO TANGO CITY. Currently, in addition to his work as an instructor at TANGO REX, Hugo has tried his hand at producing, working on the variety show music “The Doors of Hell.”
Would you like to hold your class at our studio in Aoyama?
Tango Rex Studio is suitable for classes for dance, yoga, pilates, ballet, walking, vocal or theatrical performance!
We can assist you with advertising your class through our website and newsletters.
Facility details :
Dance floor (68m2 square shaped)
Mirror (two sides)
Music player (CD, MD) *You can use your own PC or iPad by connecting to it.
Ballet bars
Changing room
Shower room
Counter bar
A sofa, a table, chairs
Important Notes:
No smoking. (There is a smoking space outside the studio)
Pets are not allowed.
Studio is not to be used for a purpose other than originally specified.
Do not touch mirrors and windows.
You are responsible for any damages to the facility.
Tango Rex will not be responsible for any trouble (theft, injury) that occur during your use.
When a noise complaint is made, you will handle it and take necessary measures.
Any business that is contrary to public order and morality including network business, multilevel marketing, or religious solicitation are not accepted.